How to Monitor Ticket Status

1. Login to BSS Support Website.

2. Select My Tickets

3. You can filter the content by selecting "All tickets", "Open" or "Closed" 

Open - this covers all open and answered tickets

Closed - this covers all resolved tickets



4. To display the status of a specific ticket, select it from the list.

5. Once displayed, 

  • Select Reply

- to comment on the response of the technical support staff 

- to answer the inquiry of the technical support staff

- to make a follow up. Please do not create a New Ticket for follow up. Just open the ticket and reply to it. 

  • Select Resolve

- to close the ticket. By the way, if the ticket is closed and you want to re-open it, just send a reply.

  • Optional, you can reward or reprimand the technical support staff on the way he has handled your ticket by selecting

(a) Yes, Reward him  (b) No, Rebuke him  (c) It was Ok, close